Today’s Champions
Surfing To 100 – it’s a Dream of living a long, healthy, life, a metaphor for doing whatever you love to do, within the unknown expanse of Future TIME.
When people hear “Surf Till 100” many laugh and think it’s foolish, silly, and unrealistic. They ask how do you beat the hands of Time to do what you love, longer than the average life TIME for human existence.
But not all people react that way!
There are those adventurous souls who say “Wow! That sounds good Sign me Up, I want to get the Know How” to Surf Till 100. “
With these adventurous souls, they realize the Unkown is a place of fear, they realize that to achieve their dream of Surfing Till 100 they must break out of their present comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar within unknown.
They embrace the challenges they must face to reach their goals, to do whatever it takes to live their dream. To them the dream of a long life, a happy family, a better business, surfing, hiking, swimming whatever they love to do and a better world is highly valued and aligns with their core values. These are values imbedded deep within their hearts. Values that are not for sale, values that are not to be compromised!
They enjoy embracing the challenge with full knowledge that there is a price that will have to be paid, a crucible that will have to be experienced to manifest their potential and there dream.
It’s a price that they will pay.
“One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end.”
― Krishnamurti
But to them what else is their?
They are not caught up in the consensual hallucination of being a victim of the world mentality, for the most part. They don’t accept the limitations set by those who don’t give it their all, not them, When they decide to do something they are all in!
For they have the Hearts and the minds of Champions and they don’t accept mediocracy, plain and simple, and that’s what it will take to Surf Till 100 and it can be done and we are here to help you.
The Age of Champions Begins Now
Champions, They “Go Deep”!
They want more than the security of a rocking chair in old age, they want to excel and live life to the Maximum and the great ones look for and assist others rowing there boats on the river of life, as they journey together, into the unknown, the land of infinite opportunities. That’s what Champions who want to achieve greatness do, they excel and make a difference!
“The greatest explorer on this earth never takes voyages as long as those of the man who descends to the depth of his heart.” Julien Green
Champions - They connect with the hearts and minds of others
“In my experience, successful people shoot for the stars, put their hearts on the line in every battle, and ultimately discover that the lessons learned from the pursuit of excellence mean much more than the immediate trophies and glory. In the long run, painful losses may prove much more valuable than wins.”
- Josh Waitzkin , International Chess Master and the Middleweight World Co-Champion in Moving Step Push Hands.
Champions Exist In Every Walk of Life
These unique people who are willing to pay the price to live the lifestyle that they desire are Champions for many reasons and the great ones do it for far more than personal gain and they do it intentionally walking into the unknown for the good of all.
We are all Champions developing our Champion Character in the future realm of
the Unknown.
As the great American comedian George Burns said, “When you stop giving and offering something to the rest of the world, it’s time to turn out the lights.”